Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yes, he's in good spirits!

OK, so i'm not up to date on my posting. The short story is that dad had a stroke about 3 weeks ago. It was aparantly fairly mild. He experienced weakness on the left side of his body, spent a few days in the hospital, then just under two weeks in rehab. The most difficult part was that it was the same rehab that mom was in for 3 weeks after she broke her back. Thankfully dad's room was on the opposite side of the building. Dad recovered really quickly and is back home. He is using his daddy's cane since his left leg is still a little weak. He's spirits have remained high through all of this. He kept making fun of being a stroke victim. Even though we know it shouldn't be funny, we couldn't help but laugh.

This is a video of dad while still in rehab. We asked him what he had for dinner. He said, "green beans, mashed potatoes, and ground porkchop." When we asked about ground porkchop, he gave us this imitation of a stroke victim (see video) and said that he told the nurses that he just had a stroke and couldn't cut his meat. Since then all his meat has been ground up for him! I don't know how ture this is - like I said, dad's stayed in good spirits the whole time!

I love you dad!!

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