Saturday, November 1, 2008

We've got BUGS in our house!

Yesterday we discovered we had a bug problem in the house. It's been taken over by a bumble bee and a lady bug!!

Happy Halloween!!

Murder mystery: there was a halloween murder in the house. See if you can find any evidence in the pictures.

Watch out for Areli's stinger!!

Did you solve the murder case? You can actually see the corpse in the picture of all four of us...
Look to the left of Terry's head... in the plactic bag on the counter... Agh, it's Elmo!! We've killed him!!


Ayre said...

You may have bugs infesting your house, but monkeys are way more destructive!!!

the rappolds said...

you have very cute little bugs in your house! lucky!
dont worry about not updating too often. i dont think i've updated mine since the summer!

The Hallums said...

Yea!! I love seeing pictures of the lil' boos! Glad ya'll had a good Halloween. The bugs are precious! I'll update our blog in the next month or so :) We're in the new house (finally!) and have no internet connection, so we'll see.....

Jenny said...

Oh... so sweet! I bet they had a blast!!

Jenny said...

Ohhh.. and Poor Elmo!!